March 31, 2005

More Productive

It's the tuesday after easter, after 4 days of really doing not much at
all. I finally feel like working again. But part of me has had some
trouble with working recently because the type of work I'm meant to be
doing is different to the "get things done" mode that I've been in for
the last few month. Part of the "Get things done" mode was because of
doing Jo's work as well as my normal work load.

What I've realise is that I'm not good at making to time to plan, and
think and work with my notebook while I'm at both my work office, or in
my office at home. There is always things to be done, and they always
seem more important taking away from my time to think and plan. Most
projects are now at that stage where some serious thinking needs to be
done, even the small projects need some project planning.

Even as I'm writing this I'm on the deck, with notebook and pencil
ready to start some that thinking. 5 work days before I have to start
back teaching and that is a great to be able to do this planning, maybe
to get ahead of myself on a few things and to think about making some
art. Even if that is just about more mapping out of the ice piece and
starting to learn how to use 3ds Max.

One recent thought is that some of the projects need "names/brands" to
give a bit of energy to them.

Posted by robin at March 31, 2005 02:14 PM