September 22, 2004

Notes about a day of teaching Note on a day of teaching

In many ways I felt really disorganize at the being of the day and I would have really like to have spent more time doing prep work because I stuffed up one of the demonstrations and got everyone confused.

Summary of the day.

- Heard about problems with another teacher from some students.
- Started about 10 minutes late(still with quite a few students missing) and when to the cafe to do the briefing session, which felt really weird and a few of student thought it was a bit odd.
- Went back and started looking at the Flash site and starting to build the Mindmap
- Did the learning plans which where a bit more vague, some students seem to have got the hang of this well.
- As a group tried to develop a site map (stickies where missing and because I hadn't really prepared I wasn't able to check this out)
- Started the monkey see monkey do session , all students apart from one joined in.
- Got the students a bit confused when I made a mistake
- Finished a bit early and then made a bit of a summary via the mindmap.
- In the background to all this was the problem that happen in the other class on Monday.

I would have really like to have had some handouts, eg a guide to buttons and actions. But I can try for next week with those.

What worked really well was looking at a site and making a mindmap about how it worked, it was a successful way to introduce the ideas behind flash. The handout with screen grabs and the arrow meant the students actually took notes about it. It's interesting that by using the mindmaps. I was able to organise what I was saying a bit better and the students felt the session was a lot easier to follow and make notes about.

Posted by robin at September 22, 2004 10:53 AM