Getting started with Blogging and RSS
This short tutorial is planned to:
- Introduce you to blogs, blogging and touch on RSS
- Help you set up a blog
- Prompt you to think about the ways in which you could use a blog, for yourself, your work and your professional development
- Help you customise your blog
There are a wide range of resources about these topics, so rather than re-create them, much of this session will refer to other resources.
How Blogs Work
A lot of people start (and stay) with one of the free hosted blogging services such as Blogger or Motime. In this scenario, the blog is hosted by a company on their server space. The basic systems can be free; for a fee many services offer additional or advanced features such as picture storage.
Anatomy of a Blog
Screenshot with the main sections labelled. Thanks to Robin Petterd for permission to use his blog as an example.
Each entry to a blog is called a 'post'. Usually the main page of a blog is arranged in descending chronological order. Each post has a title and a body. You can have multiple posts on the one day, or one every few weeks. Totally up to you.
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List of Webpages referred to in the audio files
George Siemen's elearnspace blog:
My Toolkit blog:
Angela Kaufman's Class blog:
Will Richardson, Read-write web:

This tutorial is licensed under a Creative Commons License.