November 02, 2005
Collage - Learning Design Tool
link to pdf
"Collage, a collaborative LD editor that is intended to be used by teachers. It allows an easy editing of UoLs by reusing and customizing best practices, which are formulated as patterns (CLFPs), in structuring the flow of collaborative and non-collaborative learning activities. The ultimate goal of an LD editor such as Collage, is to create significant, pedagogically sound scenarios that can be interpreted by players."
Also ... read more
October 26, 2005
Learning Design Showcase (3)
Ron Oliver Keynote from our internal Learning Design Showcase in early October.
"Learning designs that promote learning"
Slides for this presentation available at
There's lots of doom and gloom about the use of technology in teaching and learning in literature, but can you imagine a world without technology? Use of technology, it is suggested, is used to maintain current practice. Ron is int ... read more
October 25, 2005
Learning Design Toolkit
This toolkit grew out of discussions with teaching teams, looking at and using the Designing Elearning website and searching for tools to use in my work.
The visual nature of the learning design maps in the Designing Elearning website seem to strike a chord with most people (, which got me thinking about creating a toolkit for workshopping delivery models with teaching staff. You can use this toolkit for designing learning in a range of contexts - online, workplace and on campus. ... read more
October 24, 2005
Learning Design Showcase (2)
Clive Chappell afternoon session: Integrating Learning and Work: issues for pedagogy
Message about changing pedagogy came through the High Level Review of Training Packages - learning needed to become more learner centred, work centered, attribute focused
Learning about work should have more than a simple task focus. Attributes about problem solving, thinking, team work etc. VET practitioners need to understand the world of work. Historically we used to operate in quite different ways when a learner and worker. Being designated as a learner in a workplace is not a bad ... read more
Learning Design Showcase (1)
Recently we hosted an internal Learning Design Showcase. Two invited speakers were Clive Chappell and Ron Oliver who both presented keynotes and afternoon talks.
These first notes are from Clive Chappell's keynote session titled "The Future of Learning and Work"
What might the future mean?
Changes in: the workplace, employment, and types of work. Skills expectations of workers have changed as middle layers of management and supervisi ... read more
September 13, 2005
Cool Results - Anne Bartlett-Bragg
Anne Bartlett Bragg
Can Technology Enhance Learning?
Thanks to some arguments with my computer on Monday, I missed part of this session and also lost the notes I did make. So thank goodness that the sessions are recorded, as I was able to go back to the recording and listen to it again. Anne made extensive use of the whiteboard for input from the audience which was great - it's the first time I have seen it used this much, and Anne also commented on what was contributed and answered questions raised.
Another concept that Anne raised was the concept of renovating lea ... read more
September 08, 2005
Ecosystems for Learning
Connectivism Blog
from George Siemens
Recently I've been working with more teachers on the nitty gritty of their resources and delivery models and I think this piece sums up what I've been trying to achieve.
"Instead of designing instruction (which we assume will lead to learning), we should be focusing on designing ecologies in which learners can forage for knowledge, information, and derive meaning. What's the difference between a course and an ecology? A course, as mentioned is static - a froze ... read more
August 22, 2005
Informal Learning
link to website
from George Siemens
"Informal learning is too important leave to chance. But why don't we have theories that provide guidelines (I imagine "steps 1, 2, and 3" approaches would be a bit at odds with informal learning) to designing in these environments? Or is the notion of informal learning to vague (free spirited?) and applying increased design is an effort in futility?"
after the post a conversation emerges which tackles the matter further.
... read moreAugust 19, 2005
Learning Objectives
link to website
from George Siemens' Connectivism Blog
"I'm trying to wrap my head around how learning objectives became the de facto approach to learning design (in particular in elearning). Almost all training and learning design begins with a "learning objective" - a clear, concise statement of what the learner will be able to do after exploring the content. Most resources for developing learning objectives include a lengthy list of appropriate verbs useful in crafting the objective. These verbs, coupl ... read more
August 03, 2005
Using Blogs in education, and how not to
from James
How you SHOULD use blogs in education and How NOT to use blogs in education
July 28, 2005
ePortfolios resource from Educause
link to website
includes link to pdf
Three types of e-portfolios are described in this report: student e-portfolios, teaching e-portfolios, and institutional e-portfolios. E-portfolios can support student advisement, career preparation, and credential documentation; the sharing of teaching philosophies and practices; department and program self-studies; and institutional and program accreditation ... read more
Should we use games in learning?
link to website
from Albert Ip about games in learning....
"While educators can select games which have attributes positive towards learning, I would still like to ask if "playing game" is the best use of time of the students. For those who are motivated to learn, playing game may be considered a waste of their time. They can engage in much more direct learning activities which are designed to develop the skills they set out to learn.
July 26, 2005
RSS PPT from Will Richardson
Weblogg-ed - The Read/Write Web in the Classroom :
RSS: The New Killer App for Eduators
July 25, 2005
Example of streaming video for clinical skills
"The Clinical Skills Online (CSO) is a project aimed at providing online videos demonstrating core clinical skills common to a wide range of medical and health-based courses.
This project has been funded by the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine."
all materials are under a creative commons licence
... read moreJuly 17, 2005
Podcasts in Learning and Corporate arenas
from Learning Circuits by Eva Kaplan-Leiserson
Implications for learning
Listening to digital audio content won’t replace reading, listening to live presentations, or the multitude of other ways learners take in information, but it can augment those methods. The following are ways that podcasting can contribute to the learning process.
Assist auditory learners
Provide another channel f ... read more
Instructional Design Text web resources
Smith, Ragan: Instructional Design, 3 e - Student Companion Site
Presentations & Illustrations: Book Figures (JPG Format)
This set of resources is organized into three sections:
1. Presentations in PowerPoint format
2. Book Figures in JPEG format
3. Other Illustrations
You can take the illustrations out of these presentations and use them in pre ... read more
Audio in Higher Ed
link to website
from James Farmer "Am presenting tomorrow on podcasting in higher education, specifically how you produce better quality online teaching and learning audio material, save enormous amounts of money and be pedagogically… all at the same time :o)"
Learning Development Cycle
link to website
Learning Development Cycle: Bridging Learning Design and Modern Knowledge Needs
from George Siemens
"To better reflect the centrality of learners, the term "learning design" will be used in place of instructional design. Instructional design is an important component in the design of courses. Designing courses requires set steps and guidelines for instructors and learners to follow. Learning design, in contrast, is concerned with more than simply creating courses. ... read more
Crossroads of IT and ID
link to website
from Alan Levine resources for a presentation called Living at the Crossroads: EDUCAUSE IT Institute
Resources to support presentation here
One part I'd like especially to use as the basis for a workshop would be the Flickr part - see the slides in the presentation as well as the task listed in the post.
Learning the unexpected
From the Creating Passionate Users Blog come a few posts about learning ....
link to website
This is where so many teachers (and books) go wrong. In trying to make the learning smooth, and in a well-intentioned attempt to save the learner from having to learn the hard way, they simply tell you in advance what to do and what not to do. If there's a surprise lurking, they just tell you up front and spare you the tro ... read more
July 10, 2005
Connecting Community: On- and Off-line
by Barry Wellman
Connecting Community: On- and Offline
The Interne ... read more
June 24, 2005
Kathleen Gilroy, The Otter Group
Notes on a presentation from the Collaborative Learning Conference 2005
Enterprise Use of RSS for managing information by Kathleen Gilroy (from The Otter Group )
Prefers the term 'learning network' to 'learning community' as believes the tools we are using currently to communicate online are better suited to network functions than communities.
Dissatisfaction with CMS tools that they were using, so discarded them in favour of blogs and RSS. Advantages- simplicity and convenience, ease of use. Talked about own use of RSS ... read more
June 22, 2005
Designing e-Learning
"Welcome to Designing e-learning
Using e-learning tools and resources in online, campus or workplace settings
This site shows the many ways you can use e-learning to engage learners, provide flexibility and improve quality in vocational education and training (VET). It can be used as an individual guide, or as a resource for professional development and training sessions.
This site has four sections:
May 30, 2005
Learning from Google
link to website
from Godfrey Parkin
"Training, as we have known it, is not driven by consumer demand, has uninteresting ROI, provides really fuzzy benefits, and cannot be easily differentiated. But that can change. Education focuses on helping people know more; training focuses on helping people do more; Google focuses on helping people find out more when they most need it."
May 23, 2005
Discussion Posting Requirements
link to website
Albert Ip proposes a Maximum number of posts requirement in discussion boards for courses: "Setting a lower limit as a hurdle requirement does not promote quality and may be viewed as a requirement for the sake of a requirement."
May 22, 2005
Workflow learning
this blog post from Jay Cross has a neat graphic of workflow learning as performance support.
Varieties of elearning
Presentation by Dr. Gary Woodill on Effective Management of Distributed Online Educational Content
list of possibilities:
1 Advising/Counseling Tools
2 Arts-based Experiential Tools
3 Automated Online Assessments
4 Blogging
5 Collaboration Tools
6 Communications Tools and Artifacts
7 Competency checklists and challenges
8 Complexity Modeling and Information Visuali ... read more
Flow Learning
link to website
from Jay Cross
"Of course, this model is ever-changing to fit with shifting requirements. More appropriate for Flow Learning is a model that works over time"
This article/post includes some interesting diagrams showing the flow.
... read moreTowards a learning society conference
Maarten Cannaerts writes a blog called Conference Blog - Towards a learning society which records thoughts prompted by the conference. Many leads to follow up here.
link to website
From Learning Circuits two interviews about mlearning in which Clark Quinn says, in response to the following question: In your opinion, what is the ideal type of content to be delivered via mobile learning?
'Minimal! It can be any content, but it can't be a lot. I don't think m-learning is e-learning lite, however. I think it's a different relationship. For one, it's closer to performance support. What it can and should be is an adjunct to some initial concept prese ... read more
I suspect I may already have linked to this page, there are a number of resources here, many examples are more for the school sector but the concepts are the same. Includes templates and checklists in the Training Materials section.
... read moreMay 17, 2005
Thoughts about Learning Design
I'm cleaning out my Bloglines account - Lately I've been flagging articles that look interesting but not getting back to them.
I'm focussing this afternoon on Learning Design....
As long as we focus on lectures/ instructor led workshops for our staff development in-house, we will do little to shift staff members perception of what is an effective learning experience - yet this requires a real focus on making the new staff development activities more engaging, interactive and exciting. Alan Levine tal ... read more
May 16, 2005
Use of phones for mlearning
link to website
by Ellen D. Wagner
"The heightened interest in mobile possibilities for teaching, learning, and research can be attributed to a number of factors: the continuing expansion of broadband wireless networks; the explosion of power and capacity of the next generation of cellular telephones; and the fact that mobile telephones, a familiar tool for communications, are already fully ingrained in contemporary life as part of our social practice. ... read more
May 09, 2005
Workflow learning
Workflow Learning Gets Real
by Jay Cross
Given That Workers in most American factories spend just 20 percent of their time making things. Supervisors spend no more than 20 percent of their time doing things that appear in their job descriptions. Knowledge workers spend just 20 percent of their time adding core value; the rest of the time they're looking for information, re-writing reports that have already be ... read more
Educational Technology
a compilation/ annotated bibliography about student reactions to educational technology including 'what students say'.
Learning Styles
a very quick quiz to help determine an adults learning style with brief descriptions of the styles
Interaction, Usability and Relevance in elearning
link to website
by Stephen Downes
"Probably the best indicator of what works in informal e-learning is what works on the web in general. After all, this is where much informal learning is already taking place. And the web is a medium that supports informal, random-access on-the-job training. Probably much of what counts as learning from the web is not even recognized as learning at all."
April 26, 2005
Getting it right the first time
A bundle of resources developed through a LearnScope Project in 2004 tackling the issue of building in accessibility from the word go. Addresses issues for html, word, powerpoint, flash, forms, navigation, pdfs and more
March 31, 2005
Digital Storytelling Resources
Page of Digital Storytelling Resources prepared for a workshop at MCLI
... read moreMarch 30, 2005
Learning with and through others
link to website
Denham Grey writes: "My thoughts around learning have been profoundly altered by reading Wenger, Brown & Duguid and von Krogh and focus on collective workplace practices. Have come to appreciate the role, value and importance of social learning, situated learning, learning in community and culture. That more is learned on the playing fields and in discourse with peers than from the sage on the stage. Even in very structured training situations, it is the ... read more
March 24, 2005
Images from Canada
"Images Canada -- the gateway to images of Canadian events, people, places and things!
Search the collections of participating archives, libraries, museums and universities from across Canada. Type a keyword in the search box, select the number of images you want displayed per page, then press "Go". Follow an Image Trail or browse through the Photo Essays for search ideas."
March 22, 2005
7 guidelines for effective corporate e Learning
Via James Farmer, a link to "(My) 7 guidelines for effective corporate e Learning" by Anol Bhattacharya.
The first being:
1. The business world is not about learning, it's about doing business.
March 21, 2005
Self Directed Learners
in this article from the NorthWest Regional Educational Laboratory (US), comes a summary about skills that self directed learners which are: student motivation, metacognition, self-efficacy, self-regulation, locus of control, and goal orientation and what can be done to develop these skills through instruction (an interesting choice of words, but taken from the article)
... read moreLow Literacy Users on the Web
link to website
From Jakob Nielsen
"Lower-Literacy Users
Lower-literacy users exhibit very different reading behaviors than higher-literacy users: they plow text rather than scan it, and they miss page elements due to a narrower field of view.
We've known since 1997 how most users read on the Web: they scan text and pick out the pieces that interest them. Content usability guidelines have remained mostly the same since 1997, but ... read more
Informal Learning
link to website
from Godfrey Parkin
"In recent posts I have talked about the power of informal learning, and wondered why learning professionals conspicuously ignore the potential for performance improvement that it offers. Now that the kind of human interactions that make informal learning so effective are being facilitated by the Internet, the relevance and impact of formal training may diminish even further. Do we as learning professionals stan ... read more
March 16, 2005
From the site: What's a PodGuide?.
"A PodGuide is a very simple thing. It's the combination of a map (PDF) of a certain place and a series of audio tracks (mp3) which you can download for your iPod. Think of an audio tour in a museum, but not limited to just that. You could have a PodGuide about the 10 coolest pubs in London for example, or a PodGuide which shows you the most known historic buildings in Bruges. But it might just as well be about the most strangest front doors in Kleit (no you don't k ... read more
March 01, 2005
ePortfolios @ Maricopa
includes link to mp3 of students talking about what their experience of eportfolios and several other resources.
Educating the Net Generation
Educating the Net Generation
Celtic Knot
The Net Generation has grown up with information technology. The aptitudes, attitudes, expectations, and learning styles of Net Gen students reflect the environment in which they were raised—one that is decidedly different from that which existed when faculty and administrators were growing up.
This collection explores the Net Gen and the implicat ... read more
February 28, 2005
At a Glance Guide from Maricpoa Workshop presented by Dr Helen Barrret on eportfolios
More info about the workshop and more links to resources here
Barrett's site
... read moreNeoMillenial Learning Styles
link to website
by Chris Dede in Educause Quarterly Review
"Increasingly, people want educational products and services tailored to their individual needs rather than one-size-fits-all courses of fixed length, content, and pedagogy. Whether this individualization of educational products is effective depends both on the insight with which learners assess their needs and desires and on the degree to which institutions provide quality customized services rat ... read more
February 25, 2005
A Learning Theory for the Digital Age
by George Siemens
"Including technology and connection making as learning activities begins to move learning theories into a digital age. We can no longer personally experience and acquire learning that we need to act. We derive our competence from forming connections. Karen Stephenson states:
Experience has long been considered the best teache ... read more
February 24, 2005
1000 words = visuals
Creating Passionate Users: Too Many Words
Too Many Words
A picture really is worth a thousand words, especially when you're trying to get information or knowledge to go from your head into someone else's. You can talk all day, but that sketch on the back of the napkin can suddenly make it all clear. When you're communicating, you have a thought bubble over your head with a representation of what you're trying to convey, and the lis ... read more
February 17, 2005
Distributed engagement with courses and other units of learning
link to website
by Scott Wilson
"First of all, I'm afraid I'm going to have to introduce a new bit of terminology. From now on instead of courses I'm going to talk about shared learning contexts (SLCs). Courses are a good word to describe a lot of things in formal education, but isn't broad enough to cover similar groups of functionality in informal settings, so this is a new term to cover anything that provides a space where a group of people engage in learning, whether informal or ... read more
February 02, 2005
50 Alternatives to Lectures
50 Alternatives to Lecture for Your Online Course
The motivation to find alternatives to online lecture is pretty obvious. Lecture alone does not work very well as an instructional strategy for a variety of reasons. This is true in the traditional classroom but is especially apparent in online courses where onscreen reading can be very tedious and recorded lecture hogs bandwidth without necessarily adding any value. In any case, recent views of instructional "best prac ... read more
January 31, 2005
Creativity in Online Courses
Are there strategies, techniques or methods that can encourage student creativity in online courses? This paper explores creativity and offers reminders concerning the tips and strategies available for online educators.
... read moreJanuary 04, 2005
Client Focus Guide from Anta
" In an increasingly competitive environment, vocational education and training (VET) clients are demanding greater flexibility and responsiveness than ever before. These guidelines are designed to help VET professionals deliver products and services that more closely match client needs and expectations. Learning activities, case studies and reflection/ discussion points accompany the guidelines."
... read moreDecember 22, 2004
December 07, 2004
ePortfolios: a portal site
The ePortfolio Portal serves as a resource to assist you in gaining knowledge around the concepts of eportfolios.
"You'll be introduced to the concept of an eportfolio, the brief history of the electronic portfolio building upon a much longer heritage of portfolios in general, and other information framing the eportfolio concept"
... read moreNovember 30, 2004
November 14, 2004
Categories of elearning
by George Siemens
The categories of elearning:
1. Courses
2. Informal learning
3. Blended learning
4. Communities
5. Knowledge management
6. Networked learning
7. Work-based learning (EPSS)
Beyond the categories of elearning, it is important to note a few additional factors that impact the field:
Ubiquitous computing
Tools and Deli ... read more
November 04, 2004
generation M
Generation M
Managing the millennials
The online life of millennials
The new millennial university student
Boomers, Gen-Xers and Millennials: Understanding the new students
November 01, 2004
Channels for learning
Don Morrison | The Morrison Company | Home Page |
reference from clint smith
October 16, 2004
Virtual Learning Environments in UK
Ferl - VLEs: Beyond the Fringe and into the Mainstream (PDF)
Guidance on the mainstreaming of virtual learning environments, drawn from the proceedings of the 2004 online conference from Becta's Ferl service. This report summarises the key factors in embedding the use of VLEs into everyday learning, teaching and management.
... read moreSeptember 30, 2004
September 28, 2004
Elearning Interview with Michael Allen
LC Interviews Dr. Michael Allen
"E-learning is often boring for the same reasons much traditional instruction is boring. It focuses on content presentation rather than the learning experience. In fact, I find that 99 percent of it all follows the “tell-and-test” paradigm: convey a block of content through lecture, books, screens, movies, bullet slides, and so forth. Then, give a quiz. All the boring stuff generally overlooks my three primary criteria (the 3Ms):
Mean ... read more
September 23, 2004
WebCT Guides fo Teachers
CSU, Chico WebCT Institute: Reference Tools
Reference Tools
"So you've taken the training and started developing your course. Need more help? Our reference tools can help. Below we have compiled the most common tools needed by beginner and advanced course developers. "
September 08, 2004
iLearn Framework
iLEARN is an interactive distance learning framework designed specifically for analyzing, understanding, and implementing technology-oriented education but generally applicable to other computer-assisted instruction. It is a pedagogical design strategy which lays great emphasis on learning rather than teaching in the aim of strengthening students’ role in the education process. Reminiscent to the Chinese term for “education” which is a compound of two words “teaching” an ... read more
August 24, 2004
Linking Thinking - Self-directed learning in the digital age
link to website
by Philip C Candy for DEST
"This study was undertaken to explore the extent to which and ways in which Information and Communication Technologies or ICT (basically global networks of computers and other associated digital devices) have impacted on learning. Instead of looking at learning in formal education and training settings, I have chosen to consider the dynamics of in ... read more
July 28, 2004
Learning Technology: the Myths and Facts
by John A Finnis
Learning Technology: The Myths and Facts
This paper considers some of the major issues in the field of learning technology. It seeks to identify areas in which technology has greatest potential to contribute to the learning process, and also those areas in which the application of technology is inappropriate or detrimental.
July 07, 2004
The Digital Convergence: Extending the Portfolio Model
By Gary Greenberg
This article explores the role of portfolios starting from the use of portfolios by artsits, and progresses through a discussion of digital portfolios and the many purposes they can serve covering three types of ePortfolios:
The showcase ePortfolio: organization occurs after the work has been created.
The structured ePortfolio: ... read more
June 24, 2004
Blended Learning Papers
Two papers from Epic Consulting group - more available on their website.
Blended learning
link to pdf
by Donald Clark, CEO Epic Group plc
Blended learning II
blended learning in practice
link to pdf
By Mark Harrison, Head of Consulting, Epic Group plc
One thing I like ... read more
Planning Wheel
link to website from Felicia Douglis, Educational Technology Department, San Diego State University.
Personally I'd change the word "content" on the outer wheel to "design" or "learning design". I printed out the wheel image onto light card, cut out the circles and used a skewer through the middle to make spinning tops, purposely a toy to play with during the afternoon slum ... read more
June 23, 2004
Research Insights into Interactivity
link to website
By Brent Muirhead
Interactivity research studies involving online classes reveal that students value their opportunities to communicate with their peers and instructors. The author will briefly highlight student expectations for their online classes, discuss important findings from interaction studies and recommend several instructional ideas to enhance the quality of interaction in todays distance education classes."
June 17, 2004
Antwork: Convergence, Collaboration
Rob Wall writes:
'I refer to it as antwork because it has the characteristic of how ant colonies arise out of the actions of individual ants. Individual ants carry out their actions as individuals, and each individual ant does a miniscule amount of work. But when there are several thousand or tens of thousands (like in my basement), the aggregate effect can be staggering. Like ants, each of the students di ... read more
June 15, 2004
A Review of Learning Design: Concept, Specifications and Tools
A report for the JISC E-learning Pedagogy Programme by Sandy Britain, May 2004
This is a draft report so the location/file name may change. It includes a review of software tools to support IMS Learning Design. As Britain writes on page 2,
The first general idea behind learning design is that people learn better when actively involved in doing something (i.e are engaged in a learning activity).
The second idea is that learning activities m ... read more
Student Retention in Online Learning
A Model for Sustainable Student Retention: A Holistic Perspective on the Student Dropout Problem with Special Attention to e-Learning
As the editorial states, 'In this month's article Drs. Berge and Haung propose a customizable model of student retention that takes into account personal, circumstantial, and institutional factors, as well as the interconnectedness of these factors. The authors suggest that the model can provide useful guidance for institutionaland to some extent students pers ... read more
June 09, 2004
RSS and Education
from wwwtools for teachers
need to enter email address to read the article, and I particularly liked the section Current Implementations of RSS in Education
June 02, 2004
Less is More - Designing an Online Course
By R. Thomas Berner, who writes:
"As someone who has developed and taught four online courses and who in the decade before retiring turned all of his residence courses into hybrid courses, I have found online teaching to be just the opposite: It is not an overtime job and its fun. But in order to obtain that state of grace, one needs to design an online course with an attitude that it is different from a residence course. Instead of piling on the assign ... read more
May 26, 2004
MLEs and VLEs in the UK
report by BECTA
"This report examines the evidence of where Managed Learning Environments and Virtual Learning Environments (and their constituent tools) are being used, and the potential benefits which are being claimed.
It looks across all sectors, and takes an international as well as a UK perspective. I ... read more
In praise of the fifteen minute tutorial
Clive Shepherd argues in this (short) article for short, easily accessible nuggets of information being available from workplace intranets. In his conclusion he writes: "Short tutorials suit everybody. They suit trainers because they are really quick to produce and don't need gimmicks to keep the learner's attention. What they do need are simple explanations of key principles, plenty of relevant examples, appropri ... read more
The KEEP toolkit
I really do like the look of this site.
Great example of how the template stuff could work.
May 24, 2004
Generic Skills
link to pdf (1Mb)
Generic Skills in Vocational Education and Training: Research Readings
Edited by Jennifer Gibb
This volume of readings summarises some of the research undertaken into generic skills in 200102 as it relates to vocational education and training (VET).
... read moreOverview: Jennifer Gibb and Penelope Curtin
International perspectives on generic skills:
David D Curtis
Employability skills for the future: Penelope Curtin
VET teacher and student attitudes about generic skills: Victor Callan
Developing generic skills in training packages: Susan Dawe
Employability skills: Balancing the equation: Tess Julian
The development of employability skills in novice
workers through employment: Erica Smith and Paul Comyn
Making experience work: Displaced workers provide new insights into generic skills: Crina Virgona and Peter Waterhouse
Generic skills in a changing work environment: Geoff Hawke
The assessment of generic skills: David D Curtis
Assessing and certifying generic skills: Berwyn Clayton, Kaaren Blom, Dave Meyers and Andrea Bateman
Assessment of key competencies: The Torrens Valley TAFE approach: Rob Denton
Assessment in flexible delivery of VET
Exploring assessment in flexible delivery of vocational education and training programs
Report by Patricia Hyde, Berwyn Clayton and Robin Booth which concludes that there are
"four critical issues for assessment in flexible
- Learners need to be ready to undertake more individualised flexible learning arrangements.
- Well-designed, developed and resourced support strategies for learners before, during and
after assessment are absolutely neces ... read more
and from page 9:
"There are particular challenges for assessment in flexible delivery modes. Many of these challenges relate to the implementation of effective support arrangements for assessment (for example, timely and appropriate feedback, well-designed feedback systems when computer-assisted assessment is being used, and regular contact). Other challenges relate specifically to the administrative and management issues that emerge when organisations offer a range of learning and assessment options (for example, tracking learner progress and ensuring integrity of evidence). Other challenges relate more to pedagogical considerations. The use of information communication technologies for flexible learning and assessment arrangements has sharpened the interest in instructional design, learning theory and the role of assessment in learning."
May 23, 2004
Content Delivery in the 'Blogosphere'
By Richard E. Ferdig, Ph.D., and Kaye D. Trammell, University of Florida
Multiple page article
"In this article, we will describe the pedagogy behind blogs. We will address the reasons why blogs should be used as one of many teaching and learning tools, as well as describe the potential benefits of blogs for educators. Drawing on our own research and teaching, we will conclude with specific strategies for using blogs in the classroom."
... read moreMay 19, 2004
Flexible Delivery in Higher Education
range of resources and links, mainly targetted at Higher Ed sector.
"The purpose of this site is to provide teachers with background information on flexible delivery. In particular it points to reports about recent initiatives which have encouraged the move in higher education to more flexible modes of delivery, it identifies research concerned with the implementation and suggests resources which are available to support such initiatives." ... read more
May 17, 2004
Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education
Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education: Foundations for Success
A. W. Bates, Gary Poole
ISBN: 0-7879-6034-9
336 pages
July 2003, Jossey-Bass
US $36.00 Add to Cart
Table of Contents
Author Information
"Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education draws on ... read more
E-ffective Writing for E-Learning Environments
link to website
interview with Katy Campbell by the Idea Group
"IG: What is the importance of learning objects and repositories?
KC: A new model of courseware development provides a solution to the problem of expensive and time-consuming original resource development.
The emerging field of knowledge management, and eLearning standards and specifications includes the learning objects economy model.
IG: What is th ... read more
April 20, 2004
Less is More: Designing an Online Course
"In keeping with the intent of DEOSNEWS to offer a mix of practice descriptions and research results, this month’s issue offers a reflection on practice by a professor emeritus of journalism and American studies at the Pennsylvania State University.
Faculty workload in the online environment is a commonly identified focus of concern among participating and non-participating faculty alike. Of particular concern is the possibility that teachin ... read more
April 19, 2004
Disruptive technologies
"In this second article in the EDUCHAOS series Marie Jasinski explores what disruptive technologies are all about and how we need a disruptive attitude to turn potential threats into opportunities. Maybe the new mantra for the knowledge era should be disruptable rather than sustainable!"
... read moreApril 08, 2004
Project-based Distrubuted Learning and Adult Learners
Project-based Distrubuted Learning and Adult Learners
Abant Izzet Baysal University
Attending a traditional or residential learning environment to gain new knowledge or skills demand major time commitment. For working professionals with family responsibilities, the pursuit of knowledge and training in the traditional manner is gradually becoming unattainable (Atieh, 1998). Howeve ... read more
March 30, 2004
Admin Toolbox Teacher's Guide
Teachers guide (incorporating the Technical guide) for the Admin Toolbox 2. Warning! 92 pages long think before you print!
... read moreMarch 26, 2004
Accessibility and usability
By Peter-Paul Koch
published on February 18 2004
"At the moment we Web developers are learning the basics of accessibility, as once we mastered the basics of usability. However, in my last column I hinted at a potentially dangerous accessibility vs. usability question. The time has come to study this question in more detail.
First, let's repeat the principles:
Ideally, any site s ... read more
March 25, 2004
Guerra Scale
the Guerra Scale. The scale outlines the range of online content that we can use. It describes an increasingly interactive user experience using a one-to-ten scale, in which “one” involves the common experience of simply reading text on a screen and “ten” represents a virtual reality scenario. In addition to a more interactive user experience, each step up on the scale represents an increase in
... read more
March 18, 2004
Learning Environments
"Creating, growing and sustaining learning environments"
Keynote paper from Prof John Hedberg, ODLAA Forum 2003
Educational Uses of Technology - augmented from an earlier version, Barab 1998)
Information Resource | provide information to support learner inquiry (e.g., databases, hypermedia, www) |
Content Contextualization | material to be learned situated within rich contexts (e.g., experiential simulations) |