Internet Time Blog: Keynote Address on Workflow Learning
"Exploring the use of blogs as learning spaces in the higher education sector"
by George Siemens
The categories of elearning:
1. Courses
2. Informal learning
3. Blended learning
4. Communities
5. Knowledge management
6. Networked learning
7. Work-based learning (EPSS)
Beyond the categories of elearning, it is important to note a few additional factors that impact the field:
Ubiquitous computing
Tools and Delivery for elearning
This report presents the main findings, conclusions and recommendations from a study investigating informal and unstructured learning in small firms. The Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA) conducted this research in collaboration with the Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative (SFEDI) between September 2002 and August 2003. The project invetigated : Informal methods of learning, Links between informal and formal learning, Whether informal learning could be structured, recorded and assessed without changing its essential nature and The support needs of people providing learning within small firms. Given the size of informal learning as a subject, the project was able only to scratch the surface of these issues. However, the findings may be of interest to policy makers and organisations providing learning and support for small businesses, and indicate areas for further, in-depth research."
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Generation M
Managing the millennials
The online life of millennials
The new millennial university student
Boomers, Gen-Xers and Millennials: Understanding the new students
Blogging and RSS — The "What's It?" and "How To" of Powerful New Web Tools for Educators
The Boom in Blogs ... Now Extends to Education
by Will Richardson
"Educators have been slower to adopt Weblogs for a variety of reasons, among them access, privacy, and security issues. But as more and more people get on the blog bandwagon, more and more teachers and schools are starting to experiment with the technology as a way to communicate with students and parents, archive and publish student work, learn with far-flung collaborators, and "manage" the knowledge that members of the school community create. In fact, many are seeing Weblogs as a cheaper alternative to course management systems."
Integrating Learning and Work: Facilitating and Constraining Factors
Mike Kelleher
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This paper looks at the questions surrounding integrating learning and work. In particular it focuses on facilitating and constraining factors in integrating workand learning.These include the learning potential of the task, opportunities for feed-back, formalization of work processes and participation in problem handling and developmental activities. It goes on to examine issues surrounding learning resources and the development of rich learning environments. The paper concludes with an examination of some of the external contextual conditions including leadership and organizational culture and the importance of management support.
Wissensquellen zur beruflichen Weiterbildung in Europa
Wissensquellen zur beruflichen Weiterbildung in Europa
Knowledge map > CVT < continuing vocational training
Some questions that were asked of Stephen Downes when he visited Hobart in early October.
How to mentor community membership to publish and share?
Create a publishing culture?
Came back to collecting information as you work.
Choice of tool should be personally comfortable, and the level of sophistication will grow as the way you organize your information changes.
Get away from the idea that collecting and sharing information is something special and different and that there is a separately between activity and writing about the activity.
Produce notes in a digital format so that they can be readily shared.
Role modeling is the key in spreading the word - a lot of Stephen's motivation comes from his own needs for information management.
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