December 14, 2005
Symposium (Part A): Building the Capability of VET providers
Project website at
Reports from research consortium who have been working on NCVER research this year - through the consortium they have been tackling a variety of issues and much collaboration between the focus areas. Final phase will be a series of dissemination forums in which the products and tools will be tested and evaluated.
Complexities -> Opportunities
Customisation - to what extent and who pays?
Personalisation - more than an individual plan
Need to pay attention to different learner groups, varied ways that learning can take place in the workplace, and develop partnerships with enterprises. Sustaining the partnerships is extremely demanding. Case studies are being used to delve further into these critical issues. Boutique RTOs emerging to serve niche needs.
Central West Community College Food processing example to hunt out.
So in this environment what are the skills that VET practitioners need?
Training Packages, Technology, Supporting Workplace Learning.
Assessment - need more refined skills, the process, RCC etc
Ways to develop skills need to be varied, and can include workbased learning - which seems to fit this new world.
Critical success factors-
adopting new work roles such as facilitator, learning manager, coach. Very easy to say, but another to achieve it.
promotion of creativity rather than compliance, changes in policy, developing teaching and learning resources, providing PD. "innovators driven by passion that is priceless"
Complexities are not reducing, but multiplying - VET practitioners can be innovative and creative given appropriate supports.