December 13, 2005

Bente Elkjaer

Prof. Bente Elkjaer (Doctoral school of Organizational Learning)
Keynote Monday 12th December
Stupid organisation how will you ever learn?
need for tensions in organization, learning @ work collective colIaborative, priority on business needs rather than education
Organizational Learning shift from process improvement (individual and their cognition) to COP (participation and practice).
what happens in participation that we can call it learning?
3rd wave - leave individual and environment together, just as there is not a separation between thought and actions. Learning triggered when habitual actions and patterns no longer work (Dewey)
Case Study of Digitalisation of a municipality in Denmark - versions of stories about the change process derived from interviews:
- change / project fatigue vs. new & exciting things happening
- fear of staff cuts vs. chance to get new tasks
- org change as planned and implemented vs. adhoc & bottom up

both insurmountable and bridgeable tensions identified.

Posted by Kirsty at December 13, 2005 09:23 AM in rwl2005