September 15, 2005

People Development at BBC

From the BBC, Nigel Paine, Head of People Development spoke at the Cool Results Online Event. 'Building Learning Environments that Work' recording at (registration required)
Form is as important as substance - software has to function and make for a rewarding experience. (Marie Scardino?)
Think about the work we do more like a frog than a bicycle - can't take off the leg off a frog and replace it.
Nothing radically new for me in this presentation but it was a good synthesis of many emerging trends in online services and possibilities.
Learning objects used in house include video as main element - getting the experts to share their experience eg in shooting an interview for broadcast. Richer learning through using video rather than lots of text. Knowledge makes you rich by sharing it.

What has worked at the BBC:
Huge internal discussion board over a real range of topics, over 8000 people posting a day - developed into really strong communities of practice that are very active, system will link you with others based on interests you have entered. Extensive use of blogs that was resisted initially but now very accepted. Each internal course also has a web presence where various materials and tools are available.

This graphic touched a chord

Also one of the questions asked caused a frenzy on the whiteboard. Click for image for larger view

Posted by Kirsty at September 15, 2005 04:47 PM in PD Resources and Approaches