September 09, 2005
Getting the job done: How employers use and value accredited training leading to a qualification
nr1019.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Authors: Ray Townsend, Peter Waterhouse, Marg Malloch
NCVER Report
- Generally, qualifications are viewed by employers as serving two purposes: as a 'gate - keeping'
mechanism at point of recruitment of new employees and as a development tool, providing a
career pathway for existing employees.
- Compliance with external regulations and/or standards emerges as a key motivator for
acceptance of formal qualifications by employers.
- Different interpretations of what is meant by the terms 'qualifications', 'competency' and
'work - related learning' influence the value which individual employers place on them.
Training providers may also have a different understanding of these terms.
- An innovative and responsive partnership between training providers and employers is more
likely to make employers view vocational education and training (VET) qualifications