August 04, 2005
Obstacles To Small Business Usage Of eLearning In Europe
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by Colin Mc Cullough writing in webpronews
"So what are the obstacles to making elearning happen in SME's
Firstly I believe that people are ready to learn when they realise that they don't know something that they need to know in order to accomplish a goal they wanted to approach. Thus there is little use in a philosophy of one size fits all, To date most elearning has been an attempt to put books on computers interrupted by a multiple choice test, The advocates of elearning have not spent time trying to understand how the new medium changes the educational experience. They are simply trying to replicate what is there now while leaving out some of the important parts such as the teacher. The value of a computer may seem at first to be its ability to deliver information anytime anywhere but its value in education is much more important. When the air flight simulator was invented what was important was not the fact that it could be used in any remote location. It enabled pilots to learn to fly without risk and to accumulate the experience but not be harmed by it."
Posted by Kirsty at August 4, 2005 09:04 PM in