January 06, 2004

The Learning Conference June Cuba

The Eleventh International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning: Themes

Overall Theme: Learning Today: Communication, Technology, Environment, Society
Communications and Learning
Technology and Learning
Environment and Learning
Society and Learning
Scope and Concerns
Theme 1: Communications and Learning
Literacy and literacies: new perspectives and approaches.
Reading and writing since the computer: the screen and connectivity.
The visual and the verbal: multiliteracies and multimodal communications.
Literacy in learning: language in learning across the subject areas.
Assessing literacies in a meaningful way.
Multilingual learning for a multicultural world.
Girls, boys and literacy.
Academic literacies.
Adult, community and workplace literacies.

Theme 2: Technology and Learning
Learning through technology and learning about technology.
New tools for learning: online, multimedia and digitally mediated learning.
Crossing the digital divide: access to learning in, and about, the digital world.
Multimedia, the internet and today's media: educational challenges and responses.
Virtual worlds, virtual classrooms: interactive, self-paced and autonomous learning.
Digital literacies.
The book as technology: print and electronic information architectures.
Technology and human values.
Apprenticeship and other models of techn

Posted by Kirsty at January 6, 2004 12:02 PM in Courses/Conferences