November 12, 2003

Employer Engagement with Learning

Successful engagement: [pdf file] guidance for colleges and providers on effective
employer engagement in post-16 learning.

"This guide provides ideas on how to engage employers effectively in post-16 learning. It gives examples of how colleges and providers are
currently responding to the needs of employers and their employees, with suggestions for extending this practice. It should be of interest to
LSC-funded colleges and providers and local Learning and Skills Councils when considering and agreeing headline improvement targets for
employer engagement in response to Success for all.
The guide has three sections:
Section 1 considers the rationale for securing effective employer engagement and the role of the FE sector in bringing this about

Section 2 discusses the implications of increased employer engagement

Section 3 suggests how headline improvement targets for employer engagement could be interpreted by providing examples of what achieving these might mean in practice."

Posted by Kirsty at November 12, 2003 08:50 AM in Workplace Learning