November 04, 2003

Diffusion of Innovation

by Roger Clarke about EM Rogers Diffusion of Innovation Theory.

"A broad social psychological / sociological theory called Diffusion of Innovations (DoI) Theory purports to describe the patterns of adoption, explain the mechanism, and assist in predicting whether and how a new invention will be successful. It is expressed in Rogers E.M. 'Diffusion of Innovations' The Free Press, New York, originally published in 1962, 3rd Edition 1983.
The theory has potential application to information technology ideas, artefacts and techniques, and has been used as the theoretical basis for a number of IS research projects. This document provides a brief overview of the elements of the theory, intended as preparation for a reading of the relevant IS literature. "

Posted by Kirsty at November 4, 2003 07:56 AM in Leadership, Change and Organisations