September 26, 2003

Use of weblogs in learning

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Incorporated Subversion
09.25.03 2:24AM

The Potential of Personal Publishing in Education I: What’s doing & who’s doing it?

"So what's already going on:

Anne Davis is training student teachers in using weblogs and offers up a host of possibilities for use by teachers and a host of reflections of using weblogs by learners.

[What seems like] A very long time ago… I was setting up personal publishing as ‘reflective journals’ (.pdf) for English language learners.

Pattie Belle Hastings is asking her learners to PP for design research and reflection.

Dave Winer at has set up a system where anyone with a email addy can set up a weblog here and do, well, whatever they like with it… for example.

Will Richardson ran a pretty amazing journalism course and got some pretty amazing feedback from the learners. "

Posted by Kirsty at September 26, 2003 10:35 AM in Learning Design