September 10, 2003

Five Stages in Internet Pedagogy

From "Paperless Classroom" to "Deep Reading" - Five Stages in Internet Pedagogy

by Grover C. Furr III

"I began using the Internet in my literature classes in 1992, before the advent of the World Wide Web. Over the past 11 years, my use of the Internet for pedagogical purposes has passed through four major stages, and has recently emerged into a fifth stage that I call "Deep Reading." In this article, I outline and illustrate this progression, with primary emphasis on the latest stage. I not only discuss the "what" and "why" of Web-enhanced instruction, but also provide some practical suggestions on how to employ it successfully. I hope that this account of my experience may inspire other instructors to use digital technologies experimentally in their teaching, and that the specific techniques I describe may save some colleagues from having to start from scratch, as I did."

Posted by Kirsty at September 10, 2003 09:18 AM in Learning Design