November 17, 2003

9.00am Friday

Janina Gawler, Chief Executive Officer, Australian National training Authority

Environment shifting: Demographic changes, globalisation, outsourcing, technology, labour force change.

Baby boomers working longer, e.g. in mining industry - blue collar workers starting to work in information and project management, people change jobs more often, generic skills represent employability skills

The ways in which we engage with technology needs to be considered. We are already in the networked world - but how we act within it are still being worked out. Getting out and talking to people on the ground is very important. VET should be contextualised and customised in place and time, modeled as a lifelong learning service, client-centric rather than institution-centric, networked with industry and community. Working with learners for them to be capable to take advantage of opportunities,

Need for sharing to go outside the VET community - talk to government, industry and community about it.
Our message is not getting out to industry -we have to sell this concept of engagement with the system. Gap between public image and client experience, if it is measured people value it, education for a competitive workforce.
Rather than computer programming - drivers license, transferability of IT skills when systems change.
Industry Skills Councils replace the national ITABS - broader industry groupings.

Have to look at what we are offering mums and dads to talk to their children about - make it a first choice, qualification status is a perception problem to be addressed >> Branding of VET for the long-term.

System objectives include: industry will have a highly skilled workforce to supporting strong performance in the global economy. If you can run a first class mining operation in the middle of nowhere, you can provide learning anywhere [as long as you have their budget ;-)]

Challenges are capturing the attention of businesses, addressing gaps, dissolving barriers.

Things to consider - is there a finish line? NO but we do have to consolidate and do a better job of telling people about it, sell the excitement.
Who’s playing catch-up? Some of the colleagues.
Mechanisms vs. Philosophy.

Posted by Kirsty at November 17, 2003 12:50 PM