YOLA - your online learning assistant
Just in time learning assistant
- numeracy assistance for building trades especially for prevocational and early apprenticeships
Question was "How can we support the B&C toolbox and students can work more self paced - so to give help when the teachers are not available, first port of call?"
Want learners to focus on what they are doing in the toolbox - not replacing the content that already exists. Another concern was more shelf life and reusability of learning assets to support learners.
Holmesglen worked in partnership with Nine Lanterns.
Model for what can be achieved through use of standards - can deliver other learning objects, can support other online content - transportability, considered metadata to be able to leverage assets in different ways and contexts.
- Enough support to sustain learner interaction with the resource, self-assessment, interactive, browsable, expandable and portable.
Were working with a toolbox that was developed by the same institute: Have not altered the toolbox but rather have added new files to add in extra functionality. Uses a different look and feel to highlight the separation.
YOLA checks the page to see whether there can be support offered for a page - Have tagged files in the toolbox with metadata about items on those pages that can have support offered - e.g. keywords that YOLA then responds to by offering help.
YOLA is meant to be able to be used as numeracy support outside of any toolbox - standalone as well.
In the window of YOLA then there is a small self assessment task offered and more assistance is also offered - takes learner into a separate learning session - toolbox still there in the background - self assessment tasks are interactive. These self-assessment tasks are then interlinked with cross-referencing to other numeracy concepts.
Layout of the screen is main content with a left hand side bar - not sure how this would work where left-hand navigation bars are used in other toolboxes. Question - is there a way that a toolbox can easily have the metadata added to it?
Uses a flash engine that can serve other objects with the correct metadata available. (Links back to idea of automation that Dr Evans Arthur raised this morning)
Tech - mapped to IMS standards and a custom thesaurus, IEEE learning object metadata.