Caught the tail end of Curt Bonk's Elluminate presentation. To get people involved he recommends that case studies, mentoring and buddies, and also making use of the social networking that comes as part of workshops etc.
In the Q&A that followed the formal session, he pondered if with the move to online, we are starting to consider more the range of strategies, and if it is easier to provide more options for learning styles, and suggested that it becomes more explicit when we are meeting the range. This requires deliberation on the part of the teacher. How all the various activities meld into a grade is not always clear. Infrastructure becomes an important part of the equation too.
I wonder if slides will become available or any recordings of the Elluminate sessions?
UPDATE: went back and listened to the recorded presentation that was available. Link to website including links to presentations (including this one) for download here
On Educational Technology Curt says: "Resistence is futile" - in a lot of cases we don't recognise the tools that we use everyday as ed tech.
There are continuums based on risk, time, cost, student outcomes. Think about where tools sit on the various continuums.
In terms of resistance, in a poll of the audience, limited familiarity and experience, no time to plan for it and limited support from administration were identified as key reasons.
Posted by Kirsty at November 9, 2004 01:41 PM